Pink Cactus
The universe is always open to guiding you. All you need to do is just ask.
I had forgotten that I had asked the universe for this specific sign in answer to a question I had but discovered it on my phone when I was checking back at my old notes.
The note was created about three months earlier.
As you can see from the picture I had asked for a pink cactus if the lady who I saw sitting on my bed when I last had an out of body experience was my spirit guide or my higher self. I should have just picked one or the other, but it doesn’t really matter because either is just fantastic.
when I saw that note and what sign I had asked for I was so shocked when it dawned on me that my dad, a couple of weeks ago, had bought my daughter a pink cactus randomly. He was passing a shop in the town centre and came across a stall outside a shop selling different colour cactus’s. It is the cactus in this picture. No one knew what sign I had asked for as I always keep that to myself until I actually receive them then I am normally straight on the phone to my family.
Pink cactus’s are not very common right?
Each time I get my signs I get so excited!
Pink Elephant
Journaling my communications with my spirit guides.
I have been keeping a journal of my dreams to improve my recall and I noticed a theme in a few of them. Now I have been single for a while and I am very much content with my life so I have no interest in dating, however some of the dreams may contradict that statement. Is my subconscious trying to tell me something? So I asked out loud ‘show me a pink elephant if I should be active and open to dating or show me a blue elephant if I should continue as I am’.
A week later I saw someone on Facebook recommend this spiritual teacher on YouTube. I took a look and I watched one of her videos. Halfway through her talking about collective consciousness she says a well known phrase incorrectly. Rather than say ‘The elephant in the room’ instead she says ‘The pink elephant in the room’.
I know that these aren’t coincidences. From the whole experience of my first sign back in December 2020 with the angel with pink wings and the thought that was planted in my mind of where to find my sign. I knew something was communicating with me from the very beginning.
What the w.i.l.d. had to offer
I then feel a hand hold mine.
Monday 24th May 2021
“I then feel a hand hold mine”
I decided to finally try out the WILD technique that my Guides had pointed to. I was a little bit sceptical whether or not this technique would work as I had been trying numerous ways to astral project with my memory recall for the last two or three months.
I went to bed at 10.30pm on the sunday and woke with an alarm at 2.30am. I get up, go to the bathroom and come back to bed. I stay up for around 20 minutes, writing down my plan for when I’m out. It’s always been to meet my Guides. I then turn off my night light and let myself drift off to sleep whilst on my back holding onto the intention to leave my body and envisioning myself getting out of bed and going downstairs and making a cup of tea. Making sure I am remembering the feel of the carpet under my feet, the cool hard bannister on my hands as i make my way down the stairs etc. I drift off to sleep quite easily.
Moments later, I am aware that I can feel the prana energy prickling under my skin and I know it’s time to get out so I focus my attention within my body and drag my attention outwards and immediately I am floating upwards. Seconds later I am moving through the tunnel/portal of white energy light and then everything around me becomes white and I cannot see anything. This is common for those who are fairly new to AP. I’m still learning to control my senses and memory. I do not want to have a negative experience so I try to raise my mood but saying ‘I’m excited to be here’ and ‘I’ve done it’. I then feel a hand hold mine. I cannot see clearly who it is but I can just about make out a lady’s face with dark long hair. I wanted to know her intentions so I demand ‘Show me your true nature’. Before anything else can happen I then get pulled back in my body and I am awake but my eyes are still closed and I pull myself out again with my focus. I am floating upwards again and going back through the whiteness.
I am ‘looking’ around me to see if I can make anything out and underneath me I see vaguely some houses and I realise I am flying. My thought is to get down so I can solidify myself in this environment which will hold me to this space longer and it will also bring clarity to my visions. To do this I need to involve myself in my environment such as picking things up, smelling things or even clapping my hands for example. As I have this thought I am down on the ground. All my plans go out of the window which is to finally meet my Spirit Guides…I just didn’t remember this but I knew it was important to keep myself there for as long as possible and could remember what I needed to do. I start clapping my hands and rubbing my arms. I start noticing that everything around me is becoming clearer. I can finally see my surroundings. So ahead of me there is a concrete tunnel that you’d find under a motorway, like a mini subway. I walk through it and I can see the other end where there are houses. Something catches my attention and I look around to find the exact same lady who I had seen before running up to me with a long white dress, wavy brown hair and a smile on her face.
She looks really friendly and pleased to see me but I am cautious and determined to find out whether her nature is pure so I demand again ‘Show me your true essence’ as I step away from her guarded. She looks at me confused and she still remains in the same form. I apologise to her as I continue to walk through the concrete tunnel and I explain that I have had a couple of rattling experiences and that’s why I asked. This must sound a bit crazy but she seems fine with that and she continues to walk alongside me. I continue to clap my hands and rub my arms and she finds this funny. I explain that I have to do this to stay in this place for a bit longer. She doesn’t question anything that I’m saying and just accepts it. I notice to my right there is the beach so I suggest that we head there. I ask her name and she says Helen Willian Mccormick (think the surname is correct). I wondered if she was joking when she said one of her names was William but as I looked at her face I could tell she was serious. I asked if she was one of my Spirit Guides and she shook her head. Why didn’t I ask out loud to meet my Guides while I was there?…I have no idea. I said to Helen that if I was able to make it out again that I would call her name. I asked her if she would hear me if I called her name and she laughed and said she wasn’t sure. I went on to ask if she has a mobile. She replied no and looked very confused. I was so surprised that I had made it out for this long and I had said so to Helen, explaining this was probably the longest I had been out and with that I was back in my body.
I am so amazed that the sign pointed to this particular technique which ended up working. It completely blows my mind.
Now I am not sure who this lady was. She didn’t ask me any questions even though she didn’t understand some of the things I was saying or doing. I have no idea how this all works. I am going to continue to journal it all and not make any judgements or pin any beliefs on them. Again, I do not appear to have a body. This will be one of my main points I want to clarify when I next have an experience… as well as asking to meet my Spirit Guide/s for the hundredth time.
Ask the universe for guidance and it will send you signs and synchronicities in the most beautiful way.
I asked for a sign on whether I should continue to pour everything into my art. Is this my purpose? I didn’t request to be shown anything, I just wanted the universe to come up with something this time.
That same day, on my way back home from work, I decided to take a different route home and as I was walking I came across an artist paintbrush in my path on the pavement. It was not a DIY brush but a specific artists brush…what the….
Kingfisher and a Red Ball
I asked for a very specific sign to help guide me and it was shown to me the very next day…
I cannot recall what my question was for this sign as I am writing this a few months later. I decided to go back and record all the signs I have received in answer to a question. So I asked for a very specific sign this time to prove to myself it’s not a coincidence so I asked for a kingfisher but thought I needed to add something to this to make it harder so I thought a kingfisher with a red berry. But again I felt this was too easy as birds eat berries and I’m sure I’d see an image of these two together somewhere so I asked for a kingfisher with a red ball next to it. I left it like that and thought I’ve made this a bit too hard.
The very next day I saw a sponsored Instagram account show up on my Instagram feed. It showed a beautiful painted wolf which I thought was awesome. So I clicked on the artists profile account and there in the first 6 posts of this artists account was a kingfisher and when I clicked on that specific post there was the red ball underneath the picture to say the painting had been sold.
Pink Feather
My very first attempt to talk to my spirit guides was hugely successful. Not only did they show me the sign I had asked for but they told me where to look.
It was before Christmas and after seeing feathers fall in front of me pretty much on a daily basis and finding them randomly in odd places at a time where I was feeling a bit lost, I decided to ask out loud to the universe/Source if I am being supported and guided through life with a spirit guide or guardian angel. If I was then to show me a pink feather.
I soon forgot about this and it was about two weeks later I had finished a meditation session at home and as I came to and opened my eyes I suddenly remembered the sign I had asked for. At that moment a thought popped into my head which and it said ‘look at the present from Alison and Lionel’. This thought that came into my head was not my own. It was clear, out of nowhere and very matter of fact. When that thought came into my consciousness I knew within in me that I was going to find the sign I had asked for. Alison and Lionel are clients of mine and they had given me a Christmas gift a few days ago. So I opened the gift and inside was a white knitted angel with pink wings.
I couldn’t believe it! I knew this wasn’t just a coincidence. The fact that I was told where to look, I was given the sign I had asked for and at the same time I was being told that I have an angel guiding me.
This one event was a huge turning point in my life. It was such a mind-blowing experience that it encouraged me to ask for more signs to questions I needed answering and it also gave me great comfort and peacefulness that we all are being guided. We just need to ask for their assistance.