Pink Cactus
I had forgotten that I had asked the universe for this specific sign in answer to a question I had but discovered it on my phone when I was checking back at my old notes.
The note was created about three months earlier.
As you can see from the picture I had asked for a pink cactus if the lady who I saw sitting on my bed when I last had an out of body experience was my spirit guide or my higher self. I should have just picked one or the other, but it doesn’t really matter because either is just fantastic.
when I saw that note and what sign I had asked for I was so shocked when it dawned on me that my dad, a couple of weeks ago, had bought my daughter a pink cactus randomly. He was passing a shop in the town centre and came across a stall outside a shop selling different colour cactus’s. It is the cactus in this picture. No one knew what sign I had asked for as I always keep that to myself until I actually receive them then I am normally straight on the phone to my family.
Pink cactus’s are not very common right?
Each time I get my signs I get so excited!