An Update On My Experiences

“I was attuned to a particular frequency by a Reiki master”

I know I haven’t posted in a while but I intend to change that.

I have been a bit quiet due to the fact that my experiences are very infrequent now. I am unable to do the technique that I was performing every day during lockdown which was working for me before. That technique required that I wake up naturally without an alarm to then visualise climbing up a rope as I come out of sleep. Now I am back to work and waking up with an alarm pretty much every day I have realised that I need to figure out a new way to achieve these experiences. My astral projection experiences has made a big impact on me and I think about them often. I don’t mean to sound dramatic but they have changed my life. I chase the chance of having these experiences again so I am trying to find new ways of achieving my OBEs. The spontaneous experiences that I have had have been very brief and once I feel the separation I am unable to see anything at all. All I do see is whiteness and the sense that I am moving. I don’t have enough time to demand clarity and focus my intention of seeing clearly before I am back in my body.

In March I took a basic course in Reiki which allows me to practice healing on myself. I was attuned to a particular frequency by a Reiki master and this has caused a lot more energy felt within my body and therefore It’s caused more experiences of obe precursor sensations during the night such as waking up to my body vibrating and buzzing in my ears which travels to my head and with an intention I can feel myself floating but then the experience ends so prematurely. But I have not lost hope and I never will.

So I’ve decided to continue with my blog to record any experiences I have moving forwards big or small and any new techniques that I have tried. It will keep me focused on my OBE practices and keep me accountable. I know that there are incredible experiences to be had with OBEs and that’s why I will not give up trying.

The prana energy that I feel in my body has increased over the last few weeks very noticeably which plays a big part in my experiences. This tends to increase after meditation especially after this one (23) (Extremely Powerful) Self Connection Meditation - 432 Hz + 3.4 Hz Binaural Beats - Meditation Music - YouTube

Hannah Miller

I create mixed media art with a whimsical essence that is inspired by Mother Nature’s realm in all her majestic beauty. For the sole purpose of awakening our innate curiosity and sense of wonder in the hope of expanding our hearts, enlightening our souls and enriching our lives.

Artist Blog #1


Pink Cactus