As part of the buying and selling process, when you purchase an item from my website, personal data such as your name, address & email is given. This enables me to send your item & provides a contact to update you about your order. 

As part of the newsletter opt-in, your email and name (if you wish) can be collected, to send you exciting updates from my studio. I use Mailchimp to store your data and details of their privacy policy can be found on their website. The data Mailchimp collect may include [your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency and pattern of your service use]


When an individual purchases something from my shop, they provide their personal information (such as name, address, email in order to receive their item. This constitutes as an agreement for me to process and use this data for the purpose intended. When an individual signs up for Hannah Miller Artist newsletters using the forms provided online, they enter their name and email address. This data is collected and stored by Mailchimp. This constitutes as consent for me to use this data for the purpose intended. Consent can be withdrawn at any time, by unsubscribing to my newsletter or you can email us at


This privacy policy describes how and when I collect, use, and share information when you purchase an item from me, contact me, or otherwise use my services through my website. 

This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of third parties that I do not own or control, including Squarespace, Mailchimp, Etsy and any other third parties. 


Items will be packaged very well and thoroughly protected, including bubble wrap and cardboard. Usually a lot of my packaging will be recycled to help protect the environment. I use Royal Mail/Parcelforce as I am based in the UK. If you need something urgently, please contact me prior to purchasing the item. 

If paying by PayPal, I will send item to the delivery address stated at the checkout, not the PayPal account.

Processing your order: 1-4 days for small paintings, up to 14 for large artworks

Shipping to UK : 1-3 working days (for first class)
Shipping to Western Europe : 1-4 working days
Shipping to Eastern Europe: 3-7 working days
Shipping to rest of the world : 5 - 10 working days

Please note: If the item is being shipped overseas, there is a very slim chance that it can be kept in customs for up to 6 weeks. Please understand that this is a risk with all packages coming out of the UK, and should not be a problem. 

If goods have been damaged once you receive them, please sign for as 'damaged in transit' or email within 24 hours of delivery.


If you would like a refund, please contact me. The item must be re-sent back to the return address for my attention, and be in good condition with the original packaging. No amount can be refunded until the item has been returned in undamaged condition.