Kingfisher and a Red Ball


I cannot recall what my question was for this sign as I am writing this a few months later. I decided to go back and record all the signs I have received in answer to a question. So I asked for a very specific sign this time to prove to myself it’s not a coincidence so I asked for a kingfisher but thought I needed to add something to this to make it harder so I thought a kingfisher with a red berry. But again I felt this was too easy as birds eat berries and I’m sure I’d see an image of these two together somewhere so I asked for a kingfisher with a red ball next to it. I left it like that and thought I’ve made this a bit too hard.

The very next day I saw a sponsored Instagram account show up on my Instagram feed. It showed a beautiful painted wolf which I thought was awesome. So I clicked on the artists profile account and there in the first 6 posts of this artists account was a kingfisher and when I clicked on that specific post there was the red ball underneath the picture to say the painting had been sold.

Hannah Miller

I create mixed media art with a whimsical essence that is inspired by Mother Nature’s realm in all her majestic beauty. For the sole purpose of awakening our innate curiosity and sense of wonder in the hope of expanding our hearts, enlightening our souls and enriching our lives.

Stuck Mid-Transition


Pink Feather