Stuck Mid-Transition
My experiences with Astral Projection. I have had two experiences so far in the last two weeks and today I get stuck mid-transition.
4th February 2021
Using my inner energy…..
I was drifting in and out of sleep a few times between 4am and 7.45am and during this period I ran through the techniques I needed to perform to exit my body. I had tried these a few times before falling back asleep and it was starting to get light outside. I thought to myself that I really need to be getting up for the day but I thought I’d keep pushing through with the techniques a little longer. I then had an image behind my eyelids, of being in space. I could see thousands of stars in the far distance and I thought instinctively to focus on my energy/chi that I could feel prickling under my skin. I drew this energy from the bottom to the top of my body and then mentally squeezed that energy when it reached my head. Now, after reading Dr Joe Dispenza’s book ‘Becoming Supernatural’ and also watching a video on Youtube that was explaining a similar topic, I committed myself to doing some of the recommended breathing techniques that helps activate the pineal gland. The idea is to focus your attention from the root chakra and following the focus all the way to the top of your head or to the third eye (depending on which technique you’re following). As you start your attention at the root chakra you inhale a breath while clenching the muscles in the root chakra as well as clenching the stomach and throat muscles as it travels up and when the energy reaches the final destination (third eye or top of the head) you hold the breath and focus on that area.
I started doing these randomly throughout the day even before I experienced my first AP. Since performing these breathing exercises I have noticed that whenever I am still, such as when I am lying in bed, most of the time I can feel the energy prickling under my skin. So when I saw the image of being in space I decided to pull that energy to the top of my head and mentally squeezed it there and as I did I began to exit my body. With my eyes still closed I could feel my body lighten and then there was that ‘knowing’ that I am now familiar with, which is telling me that I can now leave my physical body. As I began to exit I immediately had audio hallucinations, which were the same as before. I could hear my daughter moving around outside my bedroom door. I knew they were not real and I continued trying to move the energy up again as I seemed to be stuck in mid-transition. So I asked, in my mind, for assistance. I have read that some people have been helped when trying to exit and have felt a hand grab them and pull them out but what I got instead was a mans voice ask ‘You want to get out?’, another hallucination? I continue to ask for assistance but without luck. I then realised that my right foot was tucked under my left thigh, which is sometimes how I sleep. But when attempting to AP apparently a lot of people can achieve it when they’re on their back and legs straight down and slightly apart. Thinking that this was the problem I stupidly moved my leg and I was fully back in my body. You are not supposed to move a muscle when trying to AP or think of your physical body otherwise it halts the process.
What I took away from this experience is that I seem to be able to manipulate this prana energy that I can feel inside me to help in exiting. I need to experiment with this energy and I need to continue to follow my intuition. Also when I feel my energy/astral body I should not think of my physical body nor move it otherwise it’ll prematurely stop the process.